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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Making use of time

Heya everyone.
How have you guys been?

Yeah, I have a bit more time at the moment (as many Malaysians do at this point of time) so I thought hey, why not update my blog which has been left collecting dust since... almost forever 😓🤣

During these few years that I haven't been blogging, a lot of things happened. But one of the major one, that is my personal favourite is me joining the BAVE Chamber Choir.

With this choir, under the direction of Dr. Casey Broadway we have developped so much and achieved a lot of things. Its amazing how far we have made it until now. So i thought, with the free time that I have, why not I share my experiences with BAVE Chamber Choir.

For the introduction to this choir today, i'll share some videos from their intake promo. Oh yeas, we are looking for a few ladies to join us, especially in the alto section

 So, if you are interested, you can send them a whatsapp message at +60136383985.

Good Luck!


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Photoshoot Raya Murah Dan Best Di White Studio Malaysia 2017 Sambil Menderma


Cuma RM49/family.. Tak Tipu

PROMOSI untuk 50 yang terawal sahaja.

Atas permintaan ramai, Creative Visual Studio & White Studio Malaysia mengadakan promosi photoshoot hari raya dengan harga yang sangat berpatutan. TAPI, Kali ni mereka buat lain sikit. Photoshoot Raya sambil menderma.

Sempena bulan ramadan yang mulia ini, mereka ada mengadakan Photoshoot Amal Raya. mereka juga bakal menyumbangkan 15% dari hasil jualan photoshoot hari raya sepanjang bulan Ramadan & Aidilfitri kepada Pusat Pengajian Al-Quran An-Nur Ar-Raudah (


Alamat :
No B-28-2, Dataran C180, Jalan C180/1, 43200 Cheras, Selangor 

- 15 min white studio
- 10 edited pictures + Max 4 person
- Soft copies (15 photos)

- 30 min white studio
- 15 edited pictures + Max 4 orang
- Soft copies (25 photos)

- 60 min white studio
- 20 edited pictures + Max 4 orang
- Soft copies (30 photos)

Tambahan :
Tambahan masa : RM50/sejam
Tambahan gambar (semua gambar) : RM50
Tambahan orang : RM20/seorang . (Bayi adalah percuma)

Untuk tempahan :
1) WhatsApp ke 0166664034 detail Nama, Pakej, Tarikh & Masa.
2) Bank in full payment ke Maybank (Muhammad Firdaus Bin Hasmuni) 155108743529 (jika slot yang di pilih masih ada kekosongan).
3) Setelah mereka menerima bayaran penuh maka mereka akan lock masa / slot.

#CvsRaya2017 #CVSproduction

Serba sedikit tentang anak syarikat CVS Production iaitu Creative Visual Studio, mereka merupakan sebuah syarikat photography studio yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun dalam bidang photoshoot dan video production komersial dan tidak komersial. Hasil kerja mereka boleh dilihat di Kepada sesiapa yang memerlukan khidmat photoshoot korporat ataupun profile, boleh la contact mereka juga.

Kalau korang pernah dengar tentang White Studio MalaysiaWhite Studio Malaysia merupakan sebuah anak syarikatCVS Production yang menyediakan khidmat sewa studio yang telah beroperasi lebih dari 4 tahun. Mereka adalah yang pertama di Malaysia yang menyediakan khidmat sewa studio 24 jam dan mempunyai 2 cawangan iaitu di Cheras dan di Petaling Jaya. Inshallah kami akan membuka satu lagi cawangan di Johor Bharu pada tahun 2018.

Mengapa anda perlu menyewa White Studio Malaysia?
Mereka menawarkan studio berpatutan dan paling lengkap untuk di sewa serendah RM50 / jam termasuk peralatan studio tanpa caj tambahan.

0166664034 (WhatsApp) |

Alamat studio:
Petaling Jaya : A-3&M-2, Blok 1, Pusat Komersial Parklane, No.21, Jalan SS7/26, 47301 Kelana Jaya, Selangor
Cheras : No B-28-2, Dataran C180, Jalan C180/1, 43200 Cheras, Selangor

Suitable for :
• Photography
• Video production
• Dance / Theatre practice
• Make-Up / Zumba class & training
#WhiteStudioMalaysia #WhiteStudioMY


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Calling Saya???

As I was leisurely driving and listening to this one particular BM language radio station I heard one of the DJ nonchalantly said, "Okay, sila calling saya di 03-XXXXXXX"

Now the first time I heard it I didn't think much of it. It was probably just a fun way to play with slang. Then I heard it again a few more times after that. Same DJ, same radio station. Still, I didn't think much of it. I mean, who actually listens to exactly what the DJ is babbling about while wrestling with the traffics in Malaysia. right?

Until yesterday, my bro-in-law asked me, "Betul ke dia guna 'calling saya' tu? Ada ke perkataan tu?" (Is he using the word 'calling saya correctly? Does the word exist?) 

Without missing a beat I answered "Obviously tak." (Obviously no) 

but still this exchange didn't bother me much

Then my bro-in-law asked in Bahasa which if translated would sound something like this "Shouldn't a DJ use the correct phrase? I mean people are listening and making an example out of their speech right? What if the ones who is learning, learn the wrong way to use the language?"

Me and my sister (his wife) started a whole bunch of retort ranging from "Who learns language through radio" to "You have to look at which kind of radio station" and to backing up the DJ saying he probably was just saying it for the hell of it. The first thought that came into our minds at that time was that my bro-in-law was just being anal about nothing.

But, after the exchange, it occurs to me, what he says is not wrong at all. I mean in the context of using "Calling Saya" that was used by the DJ, everything about that two words is wrong in any of the language usage, and the structure of the word.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be a Grammar Nazi here. I can't really do that coz my grammar is all over the place most of the time too. But, upon having this blatantly wrong usage of the language, my inner GN power got a little too excited and is coming out showing its tail juuust a little bit.

First of all, if we substitute the word 'Saya' to it's equivalent English word 'Me', the usage of "Calling Me" is only applicable in the instance where the word is addressing to a continuous act whether it is past, future or present and there is also the rules that it comes with had been, will be, has been, etc.

Second, if we substitute the word "Calling" to it's equivalent BM word "Sedang Menelefon", the usage of "Calling Saya" would have made even less sense. Why would someone say " Sila Sedang Menelefon Saya" (exact traslation will be "Please Calling me") it is just blatantly wrong grammatically and even if we ignore the grammar error, the meaning of the word itself doesn't make any sense.

In the context that is used by the DJ, the correct word to use is supposed to be "Call Me". Should the DJ choose to playfully say it with substituting 'Me' to 'Saya', then the DJ should have said "Call Saya" instead of "Calling Saya".

I don't really know if the DJ was just playing around when he decides to use that word, or he was just not thinking about it or if he just simply doesn't know that the usage of the word is wrong. But, since it is a radio station that broadcasts to the whole nation, and is amongst one of the most popular BM language radio station in Malaysia, I hope that they will take into account this little things that could make a difference.

Although it sounds anal and insignificant, but thinking back to what my bro-in-law said, it is true. Whether we intends to or not, our children learn through listening and watching the mass media. If a nationally recognize entity decides to adopt and start a culture where usage of language is not being maintained in at least an acceptable level, what do you think will happen to our children? If language, that shapes a nation's identity is not respected in a certain's level, who can say that something more important will not soon receive the same treatment?

Just a little food for thought.

As Bratty as ever with lots and lots of pent up opinions,

Friday, January 6, 2017

Oh yeah, Happy New Year 2017!

I just realized, after the first post of the year, I forgot to wish you guys:

Happy New Year 2017!! 

It had been an interesting start of the year which I hope will continue toward positivity and more success and fulfilling endeavour. 

Before I continue on with some gloomy thoughts or rants all year long, let me at least put in some positive vibes on my blog.

okay okay.. kidding. here is the real one. It's from The Secret

So Stay Positive peeps.
I'll try and be more active in blogging this year.... maybe. :p

Best of wishes, and as bratty as ever,
Nana Eddy

Melancholic Thoughts..

Melancholic thoughts from reading a manga:

What do you do when people think of only the worst of you? Especially when you have no ill intentions or negative thoughts at all? When you feel the impressions are just spiraling down, even as you try hard to lift it up. Your real effort seems invisible and your mistakes seems so blaringly obvious. No matter what you say it will be seen as excuses and lies. No matter what you do seems not enough. You start to question every move and every decision you make. You start to wonder what are you doing and why you are doing it. The times you spent slowly burns into ash and as you try again and again to struggle and sit up right while having no support from the people around you, you find yourself in a deep helpless pit silently crying for help.

What would you do? Would you try to prove them wrong or just give up?

Sheesh. I must be getting old (er). Lols.

-Brat with Opinions
Nana Eddy

Friday, May 1, 2015

Fashion: How to Choose Watch for Men

Oh hello there! No, no body died, and made me the expert because even after writing this, I am still not the expert. lol

But since I promised you in my last post HERE, here is some tips on choosing a watch. The content of this post is extracted (and mostly copied) from an article from 

So what is essential in buying a watch?

1. Price
Isn't it always? lol. You need to know your own budget/limit. Do take note on these:

For Watches cost ;$1000 and above
  • mechanical watches
  • precious metals (gold-plated and platinum watches), specially developed tungsten carbide or titanium
  • sapphire crystals
  • formal and designers watches
  • Breitling, Omega, Rolex, IWC etc
For Watches Less Costly $300 - $700
  • automatic quartz
  • Caoutchouc, stainless steel,leather, titanium and carbon fiber
  • mineral glass
  • casual watches
  • Orient, Botta Design
For cheaper Watches $60 - $200
  • quartz watches
  • plastic and resin composites, base metals
  • plastic crystal
  • fashion and sport watches
  • Swatch watches
2. Style
Of course, without it, who are we? Just so u know the specification or criteria what we call Dress/ Classic watch or Designer watch or Sports watch

General Criteria

Dress/Classic Watches
  • gold material
  • plain and thin case
  • a rotating bezel or any bezel with markings on it is out,
  • thick markings 
  • hands with lots of tritium.
Designer Watches
  • Designed by someone with a world-wide reputation and publicized designer’s look fairly unusual, but not always.
Sports Watches
  • usually large,
  • bezels with prominent markings,
  • water-resistant to some degree,
  • nearly always have thick, luminous hands and markings.
  • inspired by the Rolex Submariner.

3. Brands

According to this website I'm basing the post on, you are suppose to learn some facts about the watch manufacturer reputation yourself. Coz, most watch-store sales person know little or nothing. (Lol, I would probably be as ignorant too.) How to know? well, for starters, you can ask - friends and family who already has the brand would be a good start. You can also post it on forums and websites. Don't be a lazy bum. haha. Oh yeah, here are some brands,

4. Where To Buy?

Usually, the real ones (especially the high-ends, prestogious brands) are available only in authorized retailers, so online shopping might not be the best choice. BUT the internet watch catalog is a good way to choose your pick. Best way is for you to visit the retailer’s official shop for details on the watch itself and its purchasing. And to ensure you are paying the hefty sum and get the real thing, avoid internet retail sites and online stores - seriously. 

5. Right Size

Larger Men: chose watches with large faces

Smaller men: Be careful that the larger watch may make them look like a little boy wearing his daddy’s watch. So choose more compact watch models

6. Water Resistance
Here's a guide for it. Decide for what purpose and how important water resistance is. 

7, Watch Bracelet

Depends on what is most comfortable and preference of the wearer. However, stainless-steel will last longer then leather. Plus, it can easily be worn with a business suit and at the same time can be paired just as easily with casual wear. 

8. Watch life expectancy (parts)
The life of mechanical watches can be almost infinite. So yes, I would think it would be a good choice. 

Quartz watches parts often cannot be repaired, but must instead be replaced. The life of a quartz watch will be determined on whether or not the parts are available. 

9. Type of maintenance the watch will require
Mechanical (manual and automatic) watches should be serviced and cleaned according to the manufacturer’s recommendations or at least every three years.
Quartz (battery operated) watches should be serviced when the battery is replaced (2-5 years, depending on the type of watch)

Lithium-iodine (LID) batteries watch have lifetime of ten years

10. What is NOT important in buying a watch
  • How the watch move - unless it's $10K and above, and have unique function, the mechanism is not important. 
  • How the watch is made - no, none of it are hand-made. It's all manufactured in a factory. Unless they are above $20K
  • Number of jewels inside -  they are small synthetic ruby elements used as extremely low friction pivots for a few critical parts of a watch mechanism. It do not add value to a watch as they worth only a few pennies. The appropriate number for any watch movement depends on the exact design and functions of the movement
So there you go. Hopefully it will shed some light on your watch hunting. Me? I'm not so much of a watch person. I go for aesthetics rather than function when it comes to watches. Hey, I'm a visual person. So lay off the blame! :D

Friday, April 17, 2015

Customer Service

People say "customer is always right".
I hate that saying.

I mean, customer or not, when you're wrong, you're wrong.

But I'm not sure if this conversation should happen...

This was my conversation with a customer service operator (CS) from telco X some time ago. I was experiencing some issues with updating my data plan, they changed the way to do it and make it more complicated and confusing and the information is not available even on their website. And I have been dealing with this issue for a couple of times.
Me: why is your system so complicated? And there is no information about it online or anywhere at all. It is quite inconvenient for me to call service centre each time. Sometimes I can't get through. We won't care to memorize it you know, since it's so complicated.
CS: you can check your message history.
Me: ..... *long lecture ensues.


Seriously? I already freaking know that you effing moron. That is something besides the point. Furthermore, some phones don't keep message history. Some auto delete old messages (which is my case) , some might change new phone or formatted the phone. Anyway, my point is, the message history might not be available. How can you even think of saying that?

What I was putting forth at that time was that since the system is so complicated, it should at least be available online. Or they should send an email to us about the process. When they receive a call such as mine (which I'm sure they receive a lot) they should consider to give an option to the client to get the info by email or service text, or something. Instead, I got that non answer that doesn't help me in any way.
He had just unleashed the wrath of the Brat.

I know the stress of dealing with clients, and I also know for a fact client is not always right. But showing that you think the client is not very there in the knowledge department is just plain rude. Plus, you are technically giving me a non answer which is not an answer or solution to my current predicament.

I called the service centre for assistance.
If I wanted sassy remark,
I could have just consulted myself.

Sincerely Bratty,


Friday, April 3, 2015

Just So U Know....

Just so you know,

I am a terrible person.
I sabotage people for no reason
I caused people to lose job cause I can
I make people look bad to look good
I am racist
I am sexist
I like to steal people's job.

Yes, I do that. Cause I don't freaking have any other work to do.

Because I am not busy enough juggling 50 things at the same time.

Because I'm so freaking free I need to do something like putting prejudice on people

Because out of hundreds of people with hundreds of heads and hundreds of expectations and hundreds of request, only that particular person I purposely decide to give trouble to.

Oh please.. my world does not revolve around anyone. YOU are just one of the many in the solar eclipse. so if sometimes I missed you out, don't take it to heart. It meant nothing. Yes, as much as it pains you to realize it, YOU meant nothing.

I might as well just do it. Even when I am not doing it people are saying I'm purposely doing it.

Helping people out while risking myself in the process don't get seen.
Backing them up at the cost of my own won't be appreciated.
Wrecking my brains out to find solution for them is considered an offence when it doesn't work the way they want it to.
Going extra length when it is not even my job is taken for granted.
Busting my ass to cover for their mistake is just me trying to steal their job.

Why, do I bother again?

Just a little rambling from a frustrated Brat.

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year Greeting and well... just greetings in general :p

Happy New Year!!
May this 2015 be a happy and successful year for you - and well, for me too.

Oh and hello again to those who had known me and for those who don't, nice meeting you!

My 2014... well is full of ups and downs. A little of heartbreaks, lots of happy and fun stuff, some let downs. But hey, that's life. Oh and also, I might need mention that I barely got any posts going on in 2014. I want to say that life gets in the way, but really, it was just me being the usual lazy and inconsistent me. I really have terrible self-discipline. That would most probably what contributes to me not only failing to lose weight, but added on some. *sigh

but hey! every day is a new start. Year 2015 will be a better year for sure. Maybe some change, some adventures, some new encounters, some dreams come true and perhaps, a little romance? haha. either way, wish me luck, and perhaps, spare a prayer or two for me?

Bratty as ever,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fashion | Watches- The 2-in-1 Fashion Accessory

Okay, so who died and make the Brat a fashion expert?

Hahaha. The Brat had been seized by a sudden breeze of inspiration. Although NO ONE in the world would put the Brat as a fashion icon or whatsoever, but no one could also say that Brat cannot give pointers on fashion. right? hoho

So today, in this very - very brief (to Brat's standard) post, Brat is going to talk about watches.

The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about watches is to tell time. What everyone knows, but sometimes "forgot" to admit is that watches are also accessories. Watch designers from different brands worldwide has created many styles to fit both men and women’s taste. Pick your choice from leather straps, gold or silver plated and even unique designs of braided strap, studded strap as well as multi chained strap.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Comfie, Coffee and Cutie : Brewyard, Coffee & Koujee

If there are three things that I would not be able to say "No" to, that would be a combination of 3C's - A Comfortable spot to hangout, a good Coffee and a Cutie as company. So when I was invited for a "date" with Koujee at Brewyard Coffee, I flew myself there.

If you are following my instagram or facebook or twitter (which I don't really expect you to, but GO NOW and Follow my Insta, Tweet and FB and like my page) you would have seen me update some sweet photo of sweet lil-ol-me and cutie as my own personal barista. haha.

To my readers (if there is any) I don't think I need to introduce Koujee again. If you are not, then head to HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE for my other posts on Koujee (or those that I "casually" mention him). or you can head straight to his Official FB page or Youtube. And do keep on reading till the end to see a glimpse of his Beatboxing!

Photos credited to the credit. (does that make any sense? lol)

Ah yes, he is my all time favourite cutie and my favourite Beatboxer around (no offense intended to other beatboxers (and cuties) I know. You guys are all awesome, and I am probably your fan too. It's just that I have a special soft-spot for this one. hahaha)

Before I proceed to tell you the story of the cute life of cute Brat and cute Koujee, let me first take this chance to Introduce you to Brewyard Coffee. The place is located is Subang, SS15, right in front of the Pasar. This place is owned by a young and good looking bloke called David Lee, and Koujee, is their ambassador.
left: David, Koujee


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