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Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Beautiful Beginning...

Remember my post - a teaser about someone's new year? Well, you guessed it right. It is an engagement only, it's not mine.

It was an engagement of my two best buds in Varsity. They were engaged on 1.1.11 and they wanted me to be there, as a close friend cum photographer. Since it is "just an engagement" according to the lady of the day, she didn't want her pictures to be out just yet. So, I can't post her pics (coz she didn't want to have to deal with those people who would say "bertunang tak bgtau pun!!" and those who would be asking who she is engaged to). I guess you can say they're a bit conventional about this. Don't worry, if you know them, and they know you, they'll definitely call you for their wedding reception :)

But, that doesn't mean I can't post everything else right? lols~  So, here's some of the humble pictures (that 'probably' won't leak out their identity) I took that day...

Some of the exchanged gifts (hantaran)

From the guy's side

From the lady's side

The promise ring...

The people who tied the promise
Guess who...

It was, a beutiful beginning for them....

Wishing them a happy life, hopefully together forever...


  1. congratz n happily ever after to the new couple! :)

  2. @henry yup. hope so..

    @azham that is one question I've stop asking myself coz I'd never find the answer...

  3. congrats to em...
    aku tunggu ko pulak...huhuhu...



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