However, this time I am stretching my luck and trying out this contest coz
#1 It is done by my favorite Malaysian fashion blogger and fashion designer, Sandra Azwan.
#2 Since my 6th 20th birthday (yes I'm turning 25 *cringe So Oldddd!!) is coming up real soon, (it's on 17/9 REMEMBER that! haha) I thought maybe I'll get a bit lucky and win one of Sandra Azwan's designer's clothes *cross finger
1)Tell us about your blog in 70 words or less. (When and why you started it, how often you update, and your viewers)
The Brat started to try blogging in April 2009 while interning for Youth Asia, but only in 2010, suddenly woke up feeling all fiery to maintain a blog. It started out as a place to voice out opinions and frustration at being ignored for being too young, too stupid, too conservative, too fat, etc. I blog whenever I want, with viewers as diverse as the things I blog.
2)What is your personal style?
Casual, chick, feminine with a hint of cheekiness but always preserving demureness of a Muslimah. I tend to go for long blouse and jeans - because I think they look good on me. I don't know much about fashion, I am fat, and I wear Hijjab. But none of those things stopped me from trying to look good. What is most important to me is that I feel comfortable in my own skin. Oh and I LOVE head accessories - I wear it on my hijjab, seriously. Hairclips, flowerclips, headbands, you name it. haha.
3)A picture of you in one of your favorite outfits
One? now that's difficult. I give you 5!!! haha
4)Are you the next Malaysia’s Top Female Blogger 2011? Why?
That goes without saying. Why else? I'm the BRAT. I'm always fabulously ME. hehe. :p Okay, jokes and conceitedness aside, why not? I'm female, I'm a blogger and I definitely come with an attitude! - of a brat. haha.
5)I love to read ‘Life with Sandra…..’ because?
It's awesome. I especially love the sketches and designs. For as long as I remember, I fail miserably in arts. So I envy people with talent like Sandra. The photos are awesome too!! - especially the portraits. I can't help it that I'm a photography freak. The pictures Sandra put in the blog were soooooooo nice.Oh, I also like Sandra's writing style. It's pleasing :)
That's it. Oh please, please, PLEASE pick ME! hehe
Hello Nana...thank you for joining this.....good luck!!;-)