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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Israel are NOT Jews!!

This post may surprise many of you, since it surprised even MYSELF. This is mostly dedicated to Muslims out there as a REMINDER. If you are not a Muslim, however, you are still very much welcomed to read

ISRAEL are NOT JEWS. yes, the country may be ruled by them, and the population are them, but the name ISRAEL itself are NOT meant for JEWS. We must remember, we were warned by Rasulullah to be careful of giving NAMES. Bukan untuk manusia je kita tak baik menamakan yang tak baik. Even the word 'kafir' and 'yahudi' itself, cannot be easily thrown at people. Kita dikira sebagai memfitnah seseorang tu. The word 'kafir' and 'yahudi' is always associated with 'laknatullah' which means 'being damned upon by God (Allah)'. So, yes, it is not a good word (even if it's true).
alright, back to the topic, let me quote Ammi Nur Baits on this

"Perlu diketahui dan dicamkan dalam benak hati setiap muslim bahwa ISRAIL adalah nama lain dari seorang Nabi yang mulia, keturunan Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihis salam yaitu Nabi Ya’qub ‘alaihis salam. Allah ta’ala berfirman:

كُلُّ الطَّعَامِ كَانَ حِلًّا لِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ إِلَّا مَا حَرَّمَ إِسْرَائِيلُ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ مِنْ

قَبْلِ أَنْ تُنَزَّلَ التَّوْرَاةُ

“Semua makanan adalah halal bagi Bani Israil melainkan makanan yang diharamkan oleh Israil untuk dirinya sendiri sebelum Taurat diturunkan.” (QS. Ali Imran: 93
Israil yang pada ayat di atas adalah nama lain dari Nabi Ya’qub ‘alaihis salam. Dan nama ini diakui sendiri oleh orang-orang yahudi, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam hadis dari Ibn Abbas radhiallahu ‘anhu: 
“Sekelompok orang yahudi mendatangi Nabi untuk menanyakan empat hal yang hanya diketahui oleh seorang nabi. Pada salah satu jawabannya, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mengatakan: “Apakah kalian mengakui bahwa Israil adalah Ya’qub?” Mereka menjawab: “Ya, betul.” Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Ya Allah, saksikanlah.” (HR. Daud At-Thayalisy 2846)

Kata “Israil” merupakan susunan dua kata israa dan iil yang dalam bahasa arab artinya shafwatullah (kekasih Allah). Ada juga yang mengatakan israa dalam bahasa arab artinya ‘abdun (hamba), sedangkan iil artinya Allah, sehingga Israil dalam bahasa arab artinya ‘Abdullah (hamba Allah). (lihat Tafsir At Thabari dan Al Kasyaf ketika menjelaskan tafsir surat Al Baqarah ayat 40)

Telah diketahui bersama bahwa Nabi Ya’qub adalah seorang nabi yang memiliki kedudukan yang tinggi di sisi Allah ta’ala. Allah banyak memujinya di berbagai ayat al Qur’an. Jika kita mengetahui hal ini, maka dengan alasan apa nama Israil yang mulia disematkan kepada orang-orang yahudi terlaknat. Terlebih lagi ketika umat islam menggunakan nama ini dalam konteks kalimat yang negatif, diucapkan dengan disertai perasaan kebencian yang memuncak; Biadab Israil… Israil bangsat… Keparat Israil… Atau dimuat di majalah-majalah dan media massa yang dinisbahkan pada islam, bahkan dijadikan sebagai Head Line News; Israil membantai kaum muslimin… Agresi militer Israil ke Palestina… Israil penjajah dunia…. Dan seterusnya… namun sekali lagi, yang sangat fatal adalah ketika hal ini diucapkan tidak ada pengingkaran atau bahkan tidak merasa bersalah."

For those who can't understand, can't read, or lazy to read, allow me to summarize. ISRAIL is another name for a very respected and holy person, prophet, or His Messenger called Ya'aqub (a.s).  The word Israil itself in arabic is a combination of 'israa' and 'iil' that meant Allah's (God's) Beloved. So fellow Muslim, please be careful when u associated the word 'Israel' with 'jahanam', 'f**k', 'celaka' and all other bad words. What we are hating are the Jews people who are out to destroy our Religion, not 'Israil' the land is innocent, and using 'Israil' with bad words meant you are slandering His beloved.

Takkanlah kita nak terus jugak cakap "Pergi Jahanam Israel' when it could mean 'Pergi Jahanam Ya...' (Sorry, can't bear to write it. Nauzubillah). They should be called, as what they are, Jews/ Yahudi. But remember, we are NEVER encouraged to slander(say bad things) about ANYONE. So "Pergi Jahanam Yahudi" is also ultimately, WRONG.

To read further on this article, you can go here

Oh yeah, I got another thing to add. Zionist are the ones who were terrorizing Palestine, fighting for Aqsa and brutalizing the people. Many of them are Jewish, but not all of them. Zionist are those people who are determined to get a land for the Jewish people, by ANY means necessary, including man-slaughtering, attacking nations, etc. Zionist are the ones that America is giving support to - not Jews. Many Jews DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT support the agenda and the means of Zionist. So please friends, being Jewish, does not mean they are a Zionist and are out to get you. Just like us Muslim being labeled as terrorist because of some agenda set by certain people, the Jewish people are labeled as Zionist the same way. 

Again, it's up to you to accept or not. I am just sharing my thoughts, even if it's just a bratty opinion. Have a nice weekend!
-Nana Eddy

like the post? Nang it please!

p/s: Some suggested reading material on Zionism and Israel/Jews


  1. jadi kita boleh cakap apa ya? or just senyum jer? :)

  2. totally agree with you. it's nice to see someone who is understanding as u

  3. yerp... Israel is Israel love it... i nanged you

  4. papa bear: have you ever heard, "Hate the act not the actor??" Kita memang kena fight for our rights - tapi bukan dengan cara yang menyebabkan kita nampak macam manusia yang tak berakal atau tak boleh dibawa berbincang. Islam is a peaceful and beautiful religion. and beautiful things shouldn't be marred with such hatred and hateful words. Kita kena lah pelihara kecantikan agama kita dengan kecantikan bahasa dan perangai kita. Apa gunanya mengeluarkan kata-kata mencela bangsa dan agama orang lain bila ia hanya menyebabkan agama dan bangsa kita sendiri nampak buruk?? Action speaks louder than words. Nak tunjuk kebaikan kita, biarlah dari tingkah laku. Focus on what we can do, not on someone else's. Kita nak tunjuk kita bagus, tak perlu perburukkan orang lain.

  5. Lukey Cher Hong, Aj, financiallyhappy: thank you for reading it.

    k0k s3n w4i: thank you. I agree with you. Blindly discriminating and stereotyping people are very dangerous. I have to say, I am quite ashamed myself with ignorance of some of Malaysian Muslims. There is nothing wrong with wanting to care for your religion, but you have to always get the facts straight. The religion itself is flawless and sacred, but the people are NOT.

  6. Setuju dengan pandangan admin.
    Yahudi dan Nasrani menjadi alat kepada rancangan Zionis.

    Nak lawan Islam Zionis melaga²kan dan mewujudkan suasana kebencian antara agama dan jugak bangsa.

    Asas kepada politik mereka mudah, divide n rule.

  7. Orang2 yahudi tersebut xkan boleh dihalang sbb itulah janji Allah n termaktub dlm Quran..janji bahawa hari kiamat sudah hampir dengan mereka akan mengecapi kejayaan mutlak yg SEKEJAP...sama2 la kita doakan untuk pejuang2 Islam yg syahid di sana...

  8. really like this post. :D post about islam, reminds us about the wrongdoing we are doing that we never realize. :D nice work here!

  9. @Khairul and anonymus. Thank you for visiting... do come again!!

    @amira thanks! Maybe next time, I will do so!Just keep coming!



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